Saturday, January 19, 2013


I wouldn’t call Social Media a fad, especially since I think that it’s here to stay, but I wouldn’t say it is as big as the Industrial Revolution. I do think that Social Media has made an impact on the way that society, especially this generation lives their lives though.

I know that Social Media is used mostly to our benefit, but I wonder if it’s almost becoming a curse… I do love Instagram and I check status updates on Twitter and Facebook, but I’m wondering if people are becoming dependent on these outlets.  People feel the need to constantly post things and it’s becoming to the point where it’s annoying. Do you really need to post 20 hashtags along with a photo you’ve just posted? My answer is no, but then again I don’t like random people liking my pictures and following me. In my opinion, the people that do this are craving attention and I don’t think it’s healthy. Are they lonely and just want companionship or does having 150 people that you don’t know follow you on Instagram or Twitter make you feel popular?

My hope is that we can use Social Media to our advantage, to distribute news, to help each other and our communities and not for personal gain. But we'll see where the future takes us...


Caitlin said...

I completely agree that some people are just looking to cause drama. I know of people who begin to cause trouble using a Facebook status and then 20 comments of fighting emerge because of what was broadcasted to 200+ people.
However these people may be more exceptions then rules because most people do not necessarily update statuses 24/7 and hashtag 20 times for a photo. I think it's an effective way to share news with those who may not be close to where you are or informing mass amounts of people of good news.

Gabriela23 said...

I agree with you as well. A lot of people take to twitter feeds, and facebook updates to say nasty things about others. If its not facebook or twitter words, someone is posting a picture of it on instagram. It seems like a lot of people feel the same way you do, but then again there are advantages to the users that wont use it to hurt others or feel "popular".

Unknown said...

I definitely agree that some people use social media as a way of seeking attention. I find it very annoying when I see people posting every little detail about their lives on Facebook.I think these negatives tend to outshine the positives at times but, the positives are still present. A lot of businesses are prospering as a result of the use of social media and i think that people just need to be more responsible in the way in which they use it.

Sierra.Coker said...

I definitely agree that social media has made a huge impact on our generation specifically. I also like how you talk about how people are depending on social networks and how people use it to their advantage.